The official Docker
InfluxDB container will not start with authentication. In InfluxDB 0.13.0 the ability to control the config via
Environment Variables was added. The easiest way to create a container with http authentication and creating an admin user is:
Create Container and set Admin User and Password
# Create temp Container
docker run -d \
--name test-influx \
-p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 \
# Create admin user in InfluxDB
docker exec -ti test-influx \
/usr/bin/influx -execute "CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'pass' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES; SHOW USERS"
Accessing the InfluxDB Console from Shell
The influx console has to be accessed with username and password from now on.
docker exec -ti test-influx \
/usr/bin/influx -username 'admin' -password 'pass'
Bug: Empty password
There is a bug right now with leaving the password empty, to ge a prompt:
[Bug] Empty Password for Prompt not working (/usr/bin/influx) #6746
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