Montag, 30. Mai 2016

Docker InfluxDB: Create Container with HTTP Authentictation

The official Docker InfluxDB container will not start with authentication. In InfluxDB 0.13.0 the ability to control the config via Environment Variables was added. The easiest way to create a container with http authentication and creating an admin user is:

Create Container and set Admin User and Password

# Create temp Container
docker run -d \
--name test-influx \
-p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 \

# Create admin user in InfluxDB
docker exec -ti test-influx \
/usr/bin/influx -execute "CREATE USER admin WITH PASSWORD 'pass' WITH ALL PRIVILEGES; SHOW USERS"

Accessing the InfluxDB Console from Shell

The influx console has to be accessed with username and password from now on.
docker exec -ti test-influx \
/usr/bin/influx -username 'admin' -password 'pass'

Bug: Empty password

There is a bug right now with leaving the password empty, to ge a prompt: [Bug] Empty Password for Prompt not working (/usr/bin/influx) #6746

Sonntag, 29. Mai 2016

LotusScript: Easy and Fast @ReplaceSubstring Alternative

On the first glimpse, there is no direct way to do a replace substring in LotusScript like in formula using @ReplaceSubstring. Even the IBM Technote #1102507 suggests using "instr", "left" and "mid".

There is a much faster and easy way to use accomplish this task by using the function replace:
Replace(sourceArray, findArray, replacementArray [, start [, count [, compMethod]]])
This function also works for strings.

 The code is even faster too:
  • 3773 ms - FindReplace_IBM
  • 2719 ms - FindReplace_Tuned
  • 539 ms - Replace
  • 1469 ms - Replace on Array
  • 7473 ms - FindReplace_IBM  - 2 Values
  • 6688 ms - FindReplace_Tuned  - 2 Values
  • 1102 ms - Replace  - 2 Values
  • 1871 ms - Replace on Array  - 2 Values

Demo Code: Usage Replace

Sub Initialize
   Dim result As Variant

   ' Replace single Value
   result = Replace ("alice bar alicebar", "alice", "foo")
   Print "1: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"
   ' Replace two Values
   result = Replace ("alice bob alicebob", _
   Split("alice bob"), Split("foo bar"))
   Print "2: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"

   ' Replace two Values, with one
   result = Replace ("alice bar bobbar", Split("alice bob"), "foo")
   Print "3: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"
   ' If replacmentArray is larger than findArray, 
   ' the Values will be ignored
   result = Replace ("alice bar bobbar", _ 
      Split("alice bob"), Split("foo foo bar"))
   Print "4: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"
   ' For Replacing Blank use Delimiter in Split
   result = Replace ("alice   bar alice  bar", _ 
      Split("alice:  ",":"), Split("foo:",":"))
   Print "5: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"

   ' Multi Level Replacments
   ' "alicebob bar bobbobbar" -> "bobbob bar bobbobbar"
   ' "bobbob bar bobbobbar"   -> "foo bar foobar"
   result = Replace ("alicebob bar bobbobbar", _ 
      Split("alice bobbob"), Split("bob foo"))
   Print "6: " + result ' result = "foo bar foobar"
   Dim resultArray As Variant

   ' Replace Array Substring
   resultArray =  Replace(Split("alice bob alicebob"), _ 
      Split("alice bob"), Split("foo bar"))
   Print "6: " + "[""" + Join(resultArray,""", """) + """]" 
   ' resultArray = "["foo", "bar", "foobar"]"
End Sub

Demo Code: Perfomance

Option Public
Option Declare

Sub Initialize
 Const LOOP_MAX = 100000
 Dim i As Long
 Dim timerStart As Single
 Dim timerResult As Single
 Dim result As Variant
 Dim resultArray As Variant

 ' Classic IBM Method
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  FindReplace_IBM("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", "aa", "oo")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - FindReplace_IBM " + " - Result: " + result

 ' IBM Method tuned
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  FindReplace_Tuned("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", "aa", "oo")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - FindReplace_Tuned " + " - Result: " + result

 ' Replace
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  Replace("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", "aa", "oo")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - Replace " + " - Result: " + result

 ' Replace on Array
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  resultArray =  Replace(Split("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar"), "aa", "oo")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - Replace on Array " + " - Result: [""" + Join(resultArray,""", """) + """]"

 ' Classic IBM Method - 2 Values
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  FindReplace_IBM("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", "aa", "oo")
  result =  FindReplace_IBM(result, "oo", "uu")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - FindReplace_IBM - 2 Values " + " - Result: " + result

 ' IBM Method tuned - 2 Values
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  FindReplace_Tuned("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", "aa", "oo")
  result =  FindReplace_IBM(result, "oo", "uu")
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - FindReplace_Tuned - 2 Values " + " - Result: " + result

 ' Replace - 2 Values
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  result =  Replace("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar", Split("aa oo"), Split("oo uu"))
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - Replace - 2 Values " + " - Result: " + result

 ' Replace on Array - 2 Values
 TimerStart = Timer
 For i = 1 To LOOP_MAX
  resultArray =  Replace(Split("faa bar faabar faa bar faabar faa bar faabar"), Split("aa oo"), Split("oo uu"))
 timerResult = (Timer - timerStart) * 1000 ' milliseconds
 print  Format$(timerResult, "###0") + " ms - Replace on Array - 2 Values " + " - Result: [""" + Join(resultArray,""", """) + """]" 
End Sub

Function FindReplace_IBM (ByVal wholestring As Variant, find As String, ireplace As String) As String
 ' Source
 Dim checkstring, saveleft, leftstring, rightstring As String
 Dim n As Integer
 While InStr(1, checkstring, find) <> 0 
  n=InStr(1, checkstring, find)
  leftstring = Left(checkstring, n-1)
  rightstring=Right(checkstring, Len(checkstring)-n-Len(find)+1)
 FindReplace_IBM = saveleft+checkstring
End Function

Function FindReplace_Tuned (paraString As String, paraFrom As String, paraTo As String) As String
 ' IBM Method tuned
 Dim result As String
 result = paraString
 While InStr(result, paraFrom) <> 0 
  result = Left(result, InStr(result, paraFrom) - 1) & paraTo & Mid(result, InStr(result, paraFrom) + Len(paraFrom))
 FindReplace_Tuned = result
End Function